
We are here to help you

comprehensive curation of resources

personalized matching

guided engagement

continued support & guidance

Our Mission

To compassionately guide people on their journey to better mental health through tools, resources and services.

It's ok to not be ok. When you’re ready to address your mental health concerns, askDot can help. We are here to address the very real and significant mental health crisis going on in our world today. Our goal is to serve the monumental need of connecting people seeking better mental health with the information and services best aligned to their personal needs.

Mental health conditions have a significant impact on those who experience them. And beyond the distress and quality of life issues they cause, they also affect your physical health and increase the risk of long-term and potentially serious medical conditions.

When you know you need mental health help, come to askDot for guidance.

About Us

We're a team that wants to make a difference in mental health. Frustrated by our own experience of how difficult it was to find and make sense of mental health resources, we built askDot.

We designed askDot as a personalized consumer digital engagement platform that sorts, customizes, reviews and recommends mental health services. We research and curate the thousands of services, tens of thousands of apps and millions pieces of content (editorial, podcasts, video and books) currently available. We strive to guide people to the right mental health resource for their individual needs.

We are different in the expansiveness of services and resources we define, how we match offerings to individuals, the personal care we provide to getting people started and the continuity of our accountability to support better well-being.

Our goal: to help you get to better help quicker.

Please be advised - this site is a work in progress, with new functionality and content being added every week. We welcome feedback, positive or negative, and look forward to helping you get to better help quicker.

Sign up to get news of our progress or send an email to hello@askDot.com to contact us.